Discover and Recruit the top 1% talents from the premier institutes in India.

Connect with top 16 premier universities from India including IIT, IISc, NIT, IIIT etc.



With growing demand for excellent IT and digital human resources, Japanese companies feel the need to connect with the talents from India more efficiently and effectively.

Companies all over the world are accelerating the efforts for DX in order to respond to drastic environmental changes; utilize data and digital technologies, and transform their products, services, and business models based on the needs of customers and society. Under such circumstances, Japanese companies have been recruiting more and more in India as they concluded a digital partnership in 2018 with India, home to the excellent IT and digital human resources in the world. However, many Japanese companies have voiced their concerns about recruitment in India. Therefore, Tech Japan conducted a survey on highly skilled human resources in India. In collaboration with JETRO since 2020, Tech Japan has also conducted a survey in Tokyo sponsored by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). In order to accelerate the recruitment of Japanese companies to India, Tech Japan has been organizing the "Working Group on Recruitment from India by Japanese Companies" with the cooperation of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Embassy of India in Tokyo to identify issues, brainstorm solutions and create a platform for discussions. Based on the research and requests from Japanese companies and Indian universities, we have developed the online platform to solve the problems and to accelerate the recruitment process. The online platform enables Japanese companies to efficiently and effectively discover and recruit students from Indian universities through internships.

Survey of Indian Highly Skilled Human Resources in Japan


What is the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), alma mater of numerous IT leaders all over the world?

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) was established by the Indian government to train the world's best science students. Since establishment of its first campus in 1951, 23 campuses have been built to this day. The Indian Institute of Technology is also known as one of the world's most difficult institute to get into. Several alumni are now leading numerous companies as CEO, CTO all over the world, making IIT and India an extremely talented pool of human resources for the IT industry.

Established by the Indian Government

Established by the Indian Government to train highly intellectual scientists, designers and engineers.

23+ Premier Campuses across India

23 campuses of Indian Institute of Technology are spread across the length and breadth of India that impart quality education.

Get 0.5% of the top talent from India

Every year, more than 2 million students appear to take the exam. But only about 10,000 of them are enrolled in IIT’s.


Severe Competition with Major Overseas Companies, Unique Recruitment Rules of Universities. Global companies face a number of obstacle in their recruitment process.

The universities have their own unique rules when it comes to recruiting students. Companies are allotted a date and a slot to interview the students based on their brand, past record and student consensus. It is very difficult to get and keep the best dates as companies including the global giants such as GAFA are competing for the same dates. Furthermore, it is difficult to evaluate candidates within a limited time and to make an offer on the same day of the interview. There have been past cases when the company has traveled to India for a recruitment interview, but the interviews did not lead to any desired results.

Conventional Approach


Interview Slot Unavailibility

Difficult to obtain desired day for the interview in the universities since each university has their own set of rules.


Student Evaluation Problem

Difficult to evaluate the student within a short period of time in the interview etc. Unable to understand the candidate’s skillset.


Elevated Risk of Mismatch

Elevated risk of mismatch due to lack of mutual understanding. The parties do not understand the expectations.


Less and Scattered Information

Less and scattered information to make a decision. Requires extra efforts to understand the process of each university.


Physical Efforts of Visit

The company has to fly to India to hire the candidates. This requires time, budget and efforts and still does not guarantee results.


Language and Cultural Barriers

Both the parties are unable to understand the language and the culture. These barriers make the whole process difficult.


A one Stop Platform, to discover and recruit the top 1% talents from the premier institutes in India from Japan leveraging internship

Talendy allows companies to recruit interns and form a group of highly qualified students. The platform's unified format makes it easier to approach multiple universities at once. It allows the companies and students to deepen mutual understanding through the internship program. At the end of the internship, students who have performed well become eligible for an offer of full time employment.Companies can update internship application information on the platform, which in turn will be shared with universities and their students . Students who are interested in the company can apply through the system, so there is no need for Excel or PDF files or back-and-forth communication over email. Applications from several universities Students can be managed in the one platform. By integrating the internship into the recruitment process, companies can understand each other better, prevent mismatches, and access the best students at an early stage.

Reach to the students top 16 universities in India at once with varied skills like tech, design and management.

Collect and manage applications in one place, in one comprehensive format and save your time and energy.

Reduce process time by 80%, accumulate decisive and strategic data on students and discover best talents efficiently.

Leverage internships to access talent at an early stage. Evaluate them and offer PPO’s based on performance and output.

Talendy Approach


Deepened Mutual Understanding

Full time offers through a better mutual understanding between the company and the candidates through internships/hackathons.


In line with University rules

University rules are strict, and hence we take care of them. We are complaint with the university rules


Reduced mismatch risk

Reducing mindset mismatch through internships/hackathons.We understand the value of long-term commitments.


Adequate Information

Get more than just a resume, so that you can make the best hiring decisions. We provide strategy insights and reports.


No need to visit

Visiting the universities for hiring can become cumbersome at times. We help you manage the process online.


Smooth Efficient Process

Back and forth email communication is tiresome and ineffective. Our one stop platform is built to eliminate this.


Our consistent efforts brought some great results!!!

Total Internships

Total candidates

Premier Colleges

Companies Onboarded


Flow of the process


Registration on Talendy

Talendy issues account credentials for company members and host the internship/hackathon details


Applications from students

Companies recieve application from all the partner universities in one place.


Selection Process

With the help of Talendy recommendation algorithm, companies go through details to shortlist and interview candidates.


Preparation for internship

Talendy customer success team helps the company to prepare for the internship with the insights from the past internship cases.


Internship Implementation

Talendy customer success team provides proper feedback to the interns at all stages to ensure a smooth internship experience.


Offer and onboarding

In case of a FTE offer, Talendy follows up with university and the candidate to ensure a smooth onboarding to the company

We Always Strive for Excellence


Japan’s Only Such Platform

Japan's only dedicated platform to discover and recruit highly skilled talent from India.


Highly Experienced Staff

Consulting and support from the professionals highly experienced in Indian talents.


Aligned with top 16 universities

We are aligned with the IITs and other top universities from India.


See what our partners say about us

While recruiting interns from the IITs, we did not know which of the 23 campuses had the most students with the skills and strengths we were looking for, or where to contact them. Also, we did not have the knowledge or experience to communicate with each university and proceed with the process, and although we were interested in the idea, there were several roadblocks. Now we can recruit interns easily, even if we don't have the know-how in-house. We plan to use this system more extensively in the future as well.



A well established Start-up


Frequently Asked Questions
